A Proud moment
Baisakhi Celebrations
An Eye Camp was organized at Dyal Singh Public Sch
Republic day celebration class 3
Republic day celebration class lV
Preamble Activity for Classes 3 to 5
Christmas Celebration
Road safety quiz winner
Football championship
Inter Dyal Singh Volleyball
Roller skating championship
Children's day Celebration Nry to II
Badminton championship
Best Out of Waste Material Activity
Children's Day Celebration
Marathon winners
Trip to Haveli
Trip to Chandigarh
Roller skating competition
District level child welfare
No Bag Day Classes 3 to 5
Mother- Child Duo Competitions
Dussehra Celebration
Dussehra Celebrations of class 1 and 2
Maths Activity for Harish Chandra Day 2024 -2025
Dussehra Celebrations
International Girl Child Celebration in School
World Wildlife Week Celebration
International Day of Older Persons
International day of older person
International Day of older persons
Proud moment in Haryana State games
Teacher's day celebration
Talk Show Event in classes1 and 2
Model united nations conference
Visit to Parliament House
Janamashtmi Celebration ( Nursery to U.Kg)
Cooking without fire ( Nursery to U.Kg)
Janamashtmi celebration
À Proud Moment
Raksha Bandhan Activity
Story telling competition
Independence day celebration
Hindi poetic competition class 4 and 5
Hindi poetic recitation competition of classes 4th
Fancy dress competition class 3
Teej Celebration
Yellow Day Celebration
World nature conservation day
Kargil Diwas
Trip to Vidhan Sabha
English Calligraphy Competition
English calligraphy competition
Road safety seminar
Shape Activity
Safety of the Students
Van mahotsav activity
International Yoga day
A Proud Moment
पौधारोपण अभियान
Road safety week
Pool Party
Mother's day Activity
Proud moment
Debate Competition
Table tennis competition
Mother’s Day Celebration
Oath ceremony
Labour Day Celebration
Labour Day
Labour Day Activity
Labour's Day
International Dance Day celebration
Congratulations to Class Achievers of Bloom's Olym
Badminton tournament
The Best Life Ever by Sanah
Achievers of Bloom's Olympiad
World Book Day
Earth Day
Earth day Celebration
World Heritage Day
Vipassana Meditation
Baisakhi Celebration
Health Day Celebration
World Health Day
Red Day Activity
A Visit to Nirmal Kutia
Folk Dance Competition
Independence Day Celebration
Birth anniversary celebration of Dr. S.R. Ranganat
D. D. Kosambi Day Celebration
English Story Telling Competition
Hindi Poem Recitation Competition
International Family Day Celebration
Earth Day Activity
Labour day celebration
International Dance Day Celebration
Ear bud activity
Baisakhi celebration
World health day
Assembly Class VI A
English Handwriting Competition
Solo Dance Competition
Icecream stick pasting Activity
Nature Walk Activity (3rd to 5th)
Hand Washing Day
English Calligraphy Competition (Class 1 and 2)
Nutrition Week (Class 1 and 2)
Teachers' Day Celebration
Teacher's Day Celebration
English Poem Recitation Competition
Janmashtami Celebration
Janmashtami celebration
Solo dance competition
Raksha Bandhan Celebration
Teej celebration
Fancy dress competition
Hindi Poem Recitation competition
Hindi Poetic Recitation
Hindi Story Telling Competition
Bindi Pasting Activity
Family Day Celebration in class 1,2
International Family Day
Mother's day Activity (3rd to 5th)
Mother's Day Celebration
labour day celebration by classes 1 and 2
30th April- Labour day in lieu of 1st May.
Indoor Games activity on 23rd April (3rd to 5th)
Earth Day Celebration by class 1 and 2
Earth Day Celebration
Baisakhi celebration by class 1 and 2
Solo Dance Competition on 13th April (3rd to 5th)
World Health Day Celebration classes 1,2
World Health Day Activity (3rd to 5th) Date- A
Basant Panchmi Celebration
Basant Panchami Celebration
Hindi Poetic Recitation Competitionon the occasion
Republic Day Celebration
English Story Telling Competition class 1and 2
English Speech Competition
Solo Dance Competition (class 1 and 2)
Christmas celebration by class 1 and 2
Red Ribbon Day
English Poetic Recitation competition
Diwali Celebration by class 1 and 2
Diwali Celebration
Story narration activity by grandparents of kids o
Club Activity-Virtual visit to hospital by classes
Celebration of world girl child day
Maths activity by class 4th
Virtual visit to post office
Fancy dress competition classes 3 and 4
Cleanliness activity by class 1 and 2
Cleanliness activity by class 5
Cleanliness activity by class 3rd
Cleanliness Activity
Hindi calligraphy competition class1 &2
National Nutrition week Activity by classes 4 and
Teachers Day celebration
Teachers Day celebration, 2021
Teacher's Day Celebration by class 1 and 2
Janamashtmi Celebration by classes 3 to 5
Janamashtmi celebration by classes 3 to 5
Janmashtami Celebration by class 1 and 2
Janmashtmi Celebration
Friendship Day Activity
Social science club activity(National symbols cla
Social science club activity topic national symbol
Rakhi Celebration by class 1 and 2
International youth day declamation activity
Hiroshima Day celebration
Maths activity by class 3
Folk dance competition by classes 3 to 5
Hindi Story telling competition classes 1&2
Hindi Poetic Recitation competition
Pencil Shavings Activity
Fancy Dress Activity classb2
World Population Day slogan writing competition by
Fancy Dress Competition ( class 1)
Teej celebration by classes 3 to 12
Teej celebration by classes 3 to 5
Summer Dance Activity
Best out of waste classes 3 to 5
Doctors day activity class 8th
The Tribune edition 29th june from principal desk
Pictures of fabric painting done by students
Pictures of best out of waste
Communication skills classes 3 to 5
summer camp activity (communication skill classes
Summer camp (communication classes 3 to 5)
Doctor's day
Reading activity by students of classes 6th to 12t
Tree plantation drive
Mother's day celebration by students of classes 6t
Good Parenting tips
Biodversity activity
Yoga celebration class XI, XII
International Yoga Day
International yoga day celebration by students of
International Yoga day 2021 June 21
Father's Day Celebration
Father's day celebration by class 8th students
Father's day celebration by students of class 7th
Father's Day celebration
Father's Day celebrated by class 5
Father's Day celebrated by class 3
Father's Day celebrated by class 4th
Club activity by class 5th
Club activity by class 4th
Club activity by class 3rd
Father's Day celebrated by class
Father's day celebration by class third
Video editing SUMMER CAMP
Communication Skill
Communication skill class 9-10
Summer dance activity
World Environment Day
Budh Purnima Activity by students of classes 7th a
Budh Purnima activity pictures by students of clas
Father's day celebration pictures
Conducted by class IX, X
Biodiversity Day
Biodiversity day celebration by students of 6th to
International family day celebration
Family Day Activity CLASS XI, XII
Laughter Day Activity - Class 3 and 4
Mother's Day Activity by classes 3 to 5
Mother's day Class XI, XII
Family day Class XI, XII
International Athletics Day
Mother's day celebration
Mother Day celebrations XI-XII
Mother's Day
Mother"s Day was celebrated by conducting various
World Red Cross Day
Guru Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti
Labour Day celebration
International Dance Day
International dance day celebration
Family Tree Making Activity
Earth Day celebration by students of classes 7th a
EARTH Day classes 7 th and 8th
EARTH Day classes 3 to 5 ,Slogan Writing
World heritage day collage making classes 9th and
Hand Printing Activity
MATHS ACTIVITY ,CLASS 6 -Factor tree CLASS 7 - Int
Maths activity classes 6th and 7th
Video on healthy diet including covid (classes 6th
Baisakhi Celebration 13/4/21
World Health day
Healthy food Activity
World Health Day,Topic-To create awareness among s
World Health Day,Topic Healthy Diet.classes 3 to 5
State symposium on Kerela
Leaders of revolt of 1857 class 6 and 7
Kite Decoration Activity class 1 &2
Virtual Assembly of class 1
72nd Republic Day celebration virtual
English Poetic Recitation Comp. Class 1 &2
Class 3 to 5 Christmas celebration online
Christmas Celebration class 1&2
Gurpuab video
Gurpurab video
English Story telling competition ( Class 1 &2)
Children's day and Diwali celebrations 14 th Nov 2
Diya Decoration Activity
Diya Decoration Activity ( Class 1 &2)
Ice cream stick pasting activity
Teachers Day
Englush reading activity class 3rd ,4th
Halloween Day Celebration classes I to V
CBSE essay online competition
Slogan writing competition
National Integration Day quiz competition
Mask making activity
Dussehra celebration class 1 & 2
Jungle Theme Activity
International Yoga Day ( Class 1 & 2)
Fancy Dress Competition ( Class 1 & 2)
Mothers day .card making activity3 to 5.
Online Assembly of class 2
Hindi Rhyme Competition ( Class 1 &2)
Online solo dance competition by district council
Mann ki baat 3rd to 5th
Reading activity week class 3 to 5 . September8 t
Class 1 & 2 ( Cleanliness Activity)
Independence Day celebration
Father's day classes 3 to 5
Mann ki baat 7th to 10th
Gandhi Jayanti
Gandhi Jayanti 2nd October 2020
Founder's day
International yoga Day
Hindi sulekh activity class 3
Duet dance competition 3rd to 6th
Mukut making activity 3rd to 6th in August 2020
Yoga day 21st June 2020.childreb did yoga at home
Hindi sulekh classes 3to5.on 8.6.20
6.6.20 class 5 Evs activity
Class 6 Evs activity 6.6.20
24.7.29 teej celebrations. Mehendi competition for
25.7.20 rakhi making online competition for studen
Healthy food activity for class 3 to 6
Teacher's day
Reading Activity ( class 1 & 2)
Teachers day celebration class 7th C
Teacher's day celebration 3rd to 5th
Card Making Activity ( Teachers Day Celebration cl
Hindi Poetic Recitation 28/8/20
Rakhi making video of class 8th A
janmashtami celebrations
Hindi Calligraphy Competition ( Class 1&2)
Rakhi Making Activity ( Class 1&2)
District Online Essay Competition
English Rhyme competition
Fancy Dress comp. ( class 1&2)
Teej Celebration ( class 1 & 2)
Paper tearing and pasting activity
Meri Kahani Meri Zubani ( class 1 & 2)
Father's day celebration class 7th C
International Yoga Day Celebration
Father's Day ( Class 1 & 2 )
Unity in diversity different dance forms classes 3
IT class V more on power point
Evs activity and hindi activities classes III to V
Maths activity sudoku 3rd to 6th
Maths activity sudoku 4th, 5th
Evs collage making activity classes III to IV
English activity IV ,V
Maths activites Sudoku classes III to VI 9 6 20
Summer Camp Activities
English activity IV,V
Moral values activity. Creativity with leaves 3rd
Poster making on covid 19 class 7th C
Portfolio Activity
Bangle Activity
Jeet Jayega India
Reading activity classes 3 to 5
Moral values activity
Mothers Day
Card making Art and craft activity
Sudoku activity class 7th and 8th
English activity class 3
Hindi Activity of Classes VII to X
A to Z Activity by Class X
Maths activity Class 9-10
English Activity (VII toX)
Art and craft . Bangle decoration activity
International dance classes
International dance classes .performance by varcha
Evs activity part2
Maths activity classes 3 TO 6ON ABACUS AND LARGE N
How to save yourself from covid-19
Lockdown period utilization
Green Day Celebration ( Class 1 & 2)
Message Writing Activity ( English 7th & 8th )
Science Activities of Class VII and VIII
Baisakhi Celebration ( Class 1 & 2)
Class assembly V. A 2.8.19
Colouring competition
Colouring competition 23.7.19
Hasya Vyang Pratiyogita
English Poetic Recitation
Art and Craft Activity
Junior Badminton Championship
Yellow Day
Paper Tearing and Pasting Activity
Hindi Extempore
Drawing and painting competition 3rd to 5th on 1
Literary Quiz
English spoken classes III TO VIII
Summer camp -Dance class III TO VI. 01.06.19 to 07
Yoga summer camp 01st June to 06th June 2019 clas
Icecream party
Movie time
Pool party
Green Day Celebration
Mother Day
Mother's Day celebration
Card making
Inter House Poem Recitation Competition
Hindi poem recitation competition
Videos on save environment III TH V. 14.5.19
Mother's day celebrations
Investiture Ceremony
Card making activity
Solo Dance competition
English poem recitation
Collage Making Activity
Mathematics Relay Race
Earth day celebrations
Collage making III TO V 19.4.19
Hindi Sulekh Lekhan Competition
Mathematics relay activity class V 19.4.19
Bhajan Programme by Manav Kalyan Mandal
Hindi calligraphy 3rd to 5th
Science crossword III to V 10.4.19
Health day celebrations
Pariksha pe Charcha Contest
Talk show
Capacity Building Programme
Benefits of Yoga
English and Hindi calligraphy competition
Teachers Workshop on IAYP
Quiz Competition conducted by NDRI
Workshop on Inclusion and Inclusive Strategies
Hindi recitation competition
Newspaper Reading
Thumb Impression Activity
Best Out of Waste Competition
International Yoga Day (Class 3rd to 5th)
(Class 1 & 2 ) Charkha Making Activity
Exhibition in School
Healthy tiffin week
Inter House Declamation Competition
Prize distribution for colouring competition
Moral values community service class III 9.8.19
Class assembly VA importance of Nature 9.8.19
English declamation topic- Discipline
Rakhi making and thali decoration activity
Class assembly
Special Assembly on Independence Day
Skit on Water Conservation
Saplings Distribution
Inter House Maths Quiz classes III TO VI17.8.19
Teej Celebration of Pre Primary🎉🎊🎁
Independence Day & Rakhi Celebration( pre primary)
Pre Primary Celebration of Independence Day
Athletic Meet
Club activity III TO V 26.8.19
Moral values community service class IV 26.8.19
Lecture on personal safety and healthy food
Swachhata in My Daily Life
Painting activity 30.8.19. III TO V
Eco Club Activity
Click on seminar (stress management)
Teachers' day celebrations
Reading Hour Session Activity
Roll Ball state level championship
Gandhi Jayanti Celebration
U-17 School State Badminton Tournament
Dussehra Celebration🎉🎊🎁
Diwali celebration
Class assembly IV C
Group Song and Sanskrit Song Competition
Talk on Birth anniversary of sardar patel
Hindi story telling III TO V 30.10 19
Advertisement making activity classV 31.10.19
Song and dance performance at Karan stadium
Gurpurab celebration
Children's day celebration 14th November 2019 III
Children's day celebration
English story telling competition
Adventure camp
English Essay Writing Competition
Pledge Taking Ceremony
Inter Dyal Singh Model United Nations
Story narration
English poem recitation competition
Painting Competition by MY FM 94.5
Visit to church
Ramanujan day.mathematics activity day
Ramanujan Day Celebration
Pariksha peace charcha
Republic day celebration
Kite decoration
Republic Day Pre Primary
Nutritious food competition
Basant in pre primary wing
Appreciation Day for VI A
Best out of waste competition
Nature walk
Speaking Skill Competition