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Students Take Charge on 'No Bag Day' with Role Reversal and Club Activities**

In a refreshing twist on education, students DyalSinghPublicSchool, Main Branch,Karnal took charge on 'No Bag Day', stepping into the roles of teachers.

On this special day, classrooms transformed into dynamic learning spaces as students became the educators, sharing their knowledge and passion with peers. From leading discussions to presenting mini-lessons, they embraced the opportunity to showcase their skills and creativity.

Outside the classrooms, various club activities buzzed with energy, providing hands-on experiences and fostering teamwork and innovation. Whether collages on World Book Day,First Aid ,Earth Day Cyber Security,or Toran Making  the students delved into their interests by  demonstrating the power of learning by doing.

"No Bag Day" proved to be more than just a break from textbooks; it was a celebration of student empowerment and the limitless potential of experiential learning. As we reflect on this inspiring day, let's continue to encourage and support our students in exploring and growing beyond the confines of traditional education.

lightbox galleryby Curtinatech.com