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Hindi Poem Recitation Competition

Hindi Poem Recitation competition  (21/7/23)

To spread the fragrance of poetry among the children of Pre - primary wing, a Hindi Poem Recitation competition was held on 21st July for classes Nsy, LKg and UKg in our school. The students chose a variety of topics for their recitation like nature, trees, mother, teacher, school etc. with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. They enjoyed reciting the rhymes with beautiful expressions, thoughts and rhythm. Props used by them enhanced their presentation. The aim of the competition was to boost the confidence of the tiny tots and improve their public speaking skills. All the participants were applauded and praised for showcasing their linguistic skills, inventiveness and knack for poetry recitation. It was a splendid event for Pre- primary wing that lulled the innocent heart of the toddlers.

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